Day 11 – Daily Devotional – January 15, 2025 – God-Centered Priorities


Matt 13:44-46  The kingdom of heaven is like treasure, buried in a field, that a man found and reburied. Then in his joy he goes and sells everything he has and buys that field.  Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls.  When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had and bought it.


Hello, Bethel   Jesus shares two brief parables that demonstrate the joy and dedication discovering the Kingdom of God can be. The man and the merchant discovered something of such great worth to them they DID something radical to obtain it. They were willing to forsake everything to secure these treasures, literally selling all they owned. The man and the merchant were willing to reorient their lives and priorities to take ownership of their treasure. Everything they did was focused on that single goal, the treasure they found; nothing less would suffice. Those treasures became the central focus of their lives; everything else would hinge on it. Is Jesus and His Kingdom CENTRAL to all we are and all we do?  Or are they just additions to our lives while WE remain the central focus? 


The word “priority” came into the English language in the 1400’s with a singular meaning: the very first thing. The word stayed singular for the next 500 years. It wasn’t until the 1900’s that it became plural, and we started discussing priorities, meaning MORE THAN ONE. Do you notice that subtlety? Originally, it meant JUST ONE; now it means MORE THAN ONE. Because of this, Jesus can’t just become one…of our priorities; with other things, often good things, pulling for our affection and attention. Will Jesus and His Kingdom be just another item on our priority list today, or will we reorient our lives around discovering and receiving the deep joy that comes from a singular focus on Him? Someone once said: “Either Jesus is Lord of ALL or He isn’t Lord AT all.” That’s really true. Jesus calls us to a singular devotion to follow Him, just as Peter did, when he left everything from his former life to follow Jesus. 


Take some time to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal if you’re living by a SINGULAR priority or by multiple priorities, good as they may be. Pray that your desires, when not aligned with the kingdom priority, will  become aligned with the Father’s heart and will for you. Ask God to show you the joy of making the Kingdom of God your sole priority.