Day 14 – Daily Devotional – January 18, 2025 – Testing Times
James 1:2-4 Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.
Hello, Bethel If you’re like most Christians, you REALLY, REALLY don’t like this passage. We NEVER say, “Thanks for all the problems in my life, God! Can I please have a second helping of suckiness?” But the reality is that trials are absolutely baked into the fabric of life. James doesn’t say “IF” we meet trials; he says “WHEN” we meet them. Strange as it may sound, he says that if we allow these trials to run their course, we’ll have “great joy.” James isn’t saying that God authors our suffering or trails, but instead, permits such experiences, and works with us in the midst of them to produce a deep joy and character that radiates from Christ. To embrace trials and difficulties is impossible on our own, but we have a God who meets us where we are, and walks patiently with us through them. Patient endurance is key, because while we value pleasure, God values deep character. And we’ll ONLY know that character when we patiently endure. A side benefit: we’ll have something to give to others who’re facing similar struggles.
We don’t enjoy trials; again, most of us will do everything possible to avoid them. Trials and testing are necessary to test our faith, though, and reveal where our faith is actually placed. When we meet trials with patience, we open ourselves up to the opportunity to become more and more like Jesus—perfect, mature, full-grown, complete, entire, perfect in every part, lacking in nothing, deficient in nothing, wanting nothing. Peter states the following: “For to this you were called, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving an example for you to follow in his steps.” (1 Pet 2:21) So let’s not shrink back when trials come, instead, let’s follow Christ’s example.
Remember, Jesus faced the ultimate trial in the Garden of Gethsemane when He cried out, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.”
(Matt 26:32) If the Son of God had to ask for strength to endure His trial to fulfill the will of the Father, then we certainly will need to do the same. Ask God to equip you with “every good gift” (Jas 1:17) during your trial and allow God’s strength to work through you. Contrary to the popular expression “This thing is gonna kill me”, it won’t! God’s got this and He’s gonna see you through.