Day 9 – Daily Devotional – January 13, 2025 – A New Mindset
Col 3:1-4 So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.
Hello, Bethel In this passage, Paul wants us to understand that we’re to set our minds “on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” He then goes on to remind us of our new identity in Christ. “For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” As Christ followers,
we’re called to live in that heavenly defined identity and allow the person of Christ to be readily seen by others. We’re not undercover agents working as spies, never “blowing our cover.” Somehow we’ve bought the lie that to be so heavenly minded, we’re no earthly good. Quite the opposite; the more heavenly minded we are, the more earthly good we’ll be, because we’re fulfilling our God-ordained mission.
We can all remember back to our childhoods and recall our mothers, with stern faces, asking us, “What in the world were you thinking? Why did you do that?” as we tried picking up the 783 pieces of pottery that had just recently exploded after a brick of firecrackers went off. Or maybe that’s just MY MEMORY. The truth is, we do stuff simply because we…want to do it. It’s just that simple AND selfish. It’s really easy to have our minds set on what we want to do without checking in with God’s directives. We can go days without conversing with God or reading His word to get our “marching orders.” We simply do our own thing and set our own schedule. Instead, Jesus said we’re to live prioritized lives that “seeks first the Kingdom.” Remember; He’s the Boss and our lives are to center on His will.
Ask the Holy Spirit to sensitize your mind to the priorities of a heavenly mindset. Ask Him to help you have the vision to see and sense God’s will in situations. As missionary Danny Ost said, “Ask for Jesus contact lenses.” Commit to God that you’re going to put increased effort into being mindful of His will in each situation. As you spend increased time in God’s word during this fast, pray that your mind will be renewed with a heavenly perspective. And…don’t blow up porch pots. Think first.